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Adventures in Special Effects with Chris Sturges:
Chris Sturges has been involved in the film industry for over 25 years. Chris started playing with explosives and fire in the movie industry in Vancouver, beginning with Stargate SG-1 Season 1.
His credits include Chronicles of Riddick, Alien vs Predator Requiem, Final Destination 3, Arrow, Masters of Horror, X-Men: The Last Stand, Robson Arms, Supernatural, and more.
Chris has just finished a 6 season run on the hit TV Show Riverdale as the Assistant Special Effects Coordinator.
Chris has developed a unique insight into how events and relationships all tie together as he creates truly unique interactive events for any group.
Here is just a sample of films and TV Series that Chris has worked on...
The Chronicles of :, X-men: The Last Stand, Aliens vs Predator, Requiem
Stargate SG1